Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool # 11 Reflection

Working on these 11 tools this summer has taught me that I really missed out on a lot of technology training throughout the years. I felt like a 3rd grade LEP student suddenly thrust into a 12th grade honors English Lit. class.
My favorite and perhaps easiest tool that I could actually teach the students would be the Photostory. The students could use it to make a Social Studies timeline steps....
I know I need to incorporate more technology in the classroom, besides the Activboard and ELMO. I know I should step up to the 21st century way of teaching and not cling to the old ways. I must catch up with this "new" technology since it is the wave of the future and it will be a few years, at least, until I retire.


  1. Hey,

    If you and Maureen want help with tool 7, let me know. I have done a couple of iMovies and now it's a breeze. I'll be glad to set up the images with music.

  2. I'm feeling the same way about the new technology. Thanks for being honest. I'm going to read your blogs before I get started on the ll tools. I'm on # 5. It's got to get faster.
